
Mount Zion is preparing students to be Christian leaders.

Mount Zion is a private Christian school and it is our vision to provide an educational program that will develop students spiritually, academically, socially, financially and physically.

In addition, the school encourages the development of a leadership mindset in our students as we encourage them to know God, perform their best academically, plan a successful future, have the courage to stand for what is right, and help to make a godly difference in the lives of others.


Our mission to develop the whole child in the same areas in which Jesus grew.

 As a child Jesus grew in wisdom, intellectually; in favor with God, spiritually; in favor with man, socially and emotionally and in statue. Luke 2:52.

It is our goal to develop the whole child. From Luke 2:52, we learn that as a child. Jesus grew intellectually, spiritually, socially and physically. Following the example of the growth and development of Jesus Christ, our vision is to provide an educational program that will develop our students in the same areas.

The educational program provides opportunities for students to grow as they are:
1. Academically challenged to perform their best;

2. Spiritually developed as they are taught the stories, principles and plans of God;

3. Socially equipped to demonstrate appropriate social skills, and to have an image of success in their dress and speech;

4. Emotionally encouraged to appreciate their racial heritage and to demonstrate mentally healthy behavior;

5. Physically encouraged to participate in activities to develop their bodies.

These students are young; their futures are before them, and the call of God is upon them. Mount Zion has not only academically challenged these students; we have planted the thoughts of God in their hearts.

These students will be “a light to the world!

“Preparing Godly Leaders to Make a Difference in the World”

God is searching for young people who will go forth into our society with knowledge, skills, discipline, moral convictions, a sense of identity, direction and a strong, transmittable presence of the Holy Spirit to make a difference.

It is God’s plan that these students go forth into the world to make a godly difference. They are to show their love for God by achieving success, setting an example that others can follow and helping to improve the lives of people in their communities, in their churches, and in our world.

We are training our students to follow this Great Commission in Matthew 28, and reproduce the life of Jesus on the earth!

The world will be a better place as the students find and pursue the call of God for their lives.

The Mission of Mount Zion is to help prepare young people to become Leaders who will do His work.

Each of us has different talents, different dreams and different destinations, yet we all have the power of God to make a better world!


Enrollment Process

Our official School Website can be found at: Mount Zion Baptist Christian School Website.

Our educational program has a very strong academic emphasis. Our students are academically challenged to perform their best, and we place a strong emphasis on the SAT preparations. We have a college attendance rate of 99%.

In addition, the teachings in the Bible and the example of Jesus Christ form the foundation of  the school policies at Mount Zion. We seek to develop a Christian leader’s mindset in our students and we encourage our students to have the courage to stand for what is right.

Step 1:

Please email to request an Application for Assessment.

Step 2:

Please fill out and return the Application for Assessment with the fee.
Mail it to the address below
Mount Zion Baptist Christian School
C/o  School Registrar
2000 East Belvedere Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21239

Step 3:

You will be contacted and an assessment day and time will be given for you child. The assessment usually requires 2-3 hours.

Step 3:

After the assessment, you will receive an appointment to discuss your child’s assessment results, school information, and the registration process.

Again, thank you for your interest in the Mount Zion Baptist Christian School.

Enrollment Criteria

Mount Zion seeks to develop students: *Academically, students are challenged perform their best.

*Spiritually, they are to put in action the principles of God that they are taught.

*Socially, they are taught appropriate manners and encouraged to use them.

*Emotionally, they are helped to understand their behavior and aided in their understanding of their racial and spiritual identity.

*Physically, students are provided the opportunity to participate in physical activities and taught how to develop a healthy body.

Nursery and Kindergarten

Nursery and Kindergarten Assessments

3 and 4 years old Nursery school students are assessed by working with colors, shapes, numbers and letters. They are assessed for their readiness for a structured instructional program, and
must be fully potty trained.

5 year old Kindergarten students are assessed for their knowledge of numbers, letters, sounds and shapes.

Nursery and Kindergarten Admission Criteria
Students that show interest in learning activities by paying attention, following directions and cooperating with staff meet the criteria for admission. Results are shared with parents after the assessment.

   Nursery & Kindergarten Admission

  1. Student cooperates with staff.
  2. Student shows an interest in instructions.
  1. Student demonstrates the interest and attention span to function in an age-appropriate instructional program.
  2. Parents agree to cooperate with the basic teachings of the Christian faith,  the school parent agreement, school policies and regularly attend a Bible teaching church.

Nursery Enrollment and Registration
After assessment, an interview is arranged to discuss school information and to begin the enrollment. procedures.


Elementary Student Assessment
Elementary school students are assessed for their reading, writing, and mathematic skills. After the assessment, an interview will be scheduled to share the results of your child’s assessment, discuss school information and answer your questions.
        Elementary Admission Criteria

  1. Student’s Math and Reading instructional level is grade level
  1. Student’s conduct history meets school standards.
  1. Students receive favorable recommendations from the previous school or teachers.
  1. Parent Agreement

Parents agree to cooperate with the basic teachings of the Christian faith, the school parent agreement, school policies and regularly attend a Bible teaching church.

Elementary Enrollment
After the assessment has been completed, an interview is arranged to share the assessment results, to discuss school information, and to begin the enrollment procedures if the criteria are met.

School History and Perspective

Mount Zion Baptist Christian School is a private, Christian school that came into existence in 1988 to help prepare a small group of Christian young people for leadership.

Our educational program exists in a nurturing, Christian environment that seeks to form a close connection between our students, the teachings of God and academic achievement.

It is our goal to develop the whole child. From Luke 2:52, we learn that as a child Jesus grew intellectually, spiritually, socially and physically. Following the example of Jesus’ growth and development, our vision is to provide an educational program that will develop our students in the same areas.

Our educational program provides opportunities for students to grow as they are academically challenged to perform their best; spiritually developed as they are taught the stories, principles and plans of God; socially equipped as they are encouraged to display appropriate social skills, and portray a public image of success in their dress and speech; made emotionally aware as they are encouraged to discover their identities, appreciate their heritage and demonstrate mentally healthy actions and participate in physical activities.?

“Preparing Godly Leaders

It has always been the plan of God that the earth operates by His rule. He created men and women to populate the earth, live in peace and harmony and rule the earth.

We are living in a time in history in which most people are living by their own thoughts and feelings. Dissatisfaction and conflict are ruling our homes, our communities and the world. God is searching for young people who will go forth into our society with knowledge, skills, discipline, moral convictions, a sense of identity and direction and a strong, transmittable presence of the Holy Spirit.

These persons are to live by the love and principles of God and provide the leadership that will bring God’s rule back to the earth. They are to make the world a better place as they live by God’s principles, achieve success and help to improve the lives of others.

Jesus made the world a better place as he helped others to love God and each other. He freed people from captivity, ignorance and sickness. He came and gave life abundantly to all who followed Him.

Jesus’ final instruction to his followers in Matthew 28: 18-20 were:
Go ye into all the world and teach the people to be disciples.
Teach the people to observe and do, all that I taught you to observe and do.
Jesus told them to reproduce His life and His example!

It is God’s plan that these students go forth into the world to make a godly difference. They are to show their love for God by achieving success, living lives that others can follow and helping to improve the lives of others in their communities, in their churches, and in our world.

We are training our students to follow the Great Commission in Matthew 28, and reproduce the life of Jesus on the earth!