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Sermon Title: The Power Of Power
Scripture: Luke 18:1-8

Prayer is the primary ministry of the church because the work of God is accomplished through prayer.
Isaiah 56:7 -My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.
Matthew 21:13, Mark 11:17 – my house shall be called a house of prayer.
Prayer is one of the greatest expressions of love that a believer can show towards God.
The strategy of the enemy is to divert us from this primary ministry.
Prayers provide protection that blocks Satan’s ability to access me.

Who receives answers from God?

1. Those who are seeking justice from God.
ekdikesis – judgment which executes the core values of the judge.
God will act on behalf of those who seek him for justice.
Anytime I pray for any cause that aligns with the integrity of God I will receive it.
My prayer requests need to align with his character.
Character attributes – Uprightness, honesty, truthfulness, love, mercy, grace, standards, righteousness, integrity, mercy, grace, blessings of others, generosity, seeking his will and direction

2. Answers will be given to the chosen ones of God.
The Chosen ones are those who have been elected by God to be heirs of salvation.
Romans 8:30 – And those he predestined he also called. Those he called, he also justified. Those he justified, he glorified.
The chosen are the believers who faithfully walk after God and live their lives in service to him.
Believers should always expect God to hear their prayers and answer them because they have right standing with God based on their relationship.

3. Answers will be given those who cry to him day and night.
You ask God tirelessly until you get an answer. Begging requires humbling our own egos and selfish nature for the benefit of someone else.
Jesus says, cry out to God day and night.
Jesus says to worry God.
You ask God tirelessly until you get an answer. Begging requires humbling our own egos and selfish nature for the benefit of someone else. It’s good to beg sometimes because that’s the only way to get what you need.